Volta Palm to make Ghana Africa’s top oil palm producer

Ghana’s Volta Region is set to become an industrial hub for edible oil production with the establishment of multi scale palm production enterprise.

Volta Palm, an initiative of Mr Ibrahim Mahama, a brother to former President John Dramani Mahama, is set to undertake what is billed to become the largest palm enterprise in Africa with a target 1 million acres to be distributed among districts in the Volta Region. 

France based seed producer PalmElit is leading the project implementation which would involve the establishment of a processing plant.

Mr Mahama, during a field inspection of a nursery at Tsaveme which marks the take off of the project, said he considered it an honour to site the mega project in the Volta Region, home of his late mother.

Traditional leaders and political heads of beneficiary districts were duly represented at, and the businessman was optimistic the investment would enhance the growing palm industry to aid rapid industrialisation.

Ghana remains a net importer of palm oil with an estimated 300 million dollars annual import bill while exports of the commodity hovers around 80 million. More than 1000 small scale mills exist in the country and are responsible for about 80 per cent of production.

Large scale enterprises in Ghana include the Benso Oil Palm Plantation Limited and the Norwegian Palm Limited, the former which is a subsidiary of Wilmar International and owns more than 5,000 acres of palm plantation, the largest in the country.

Representatives of PalmElit assured stakeholders of the commitment to operate under the highest standards of practice devoid of all forms of exploitation including child labor, and conserve the environment. According to the Company, land quality in the Volta Region coupled with high quality scientifically engineered seeds and inputs as well as the abundance of water resource, should make the project a success.

Yields are expected in three years from the start of the project, and stakeholders were told a processing plant would be established in the Region.


Source: Gh Tribune
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