Eminem's daughter Hailie gets married

Caucasian rap music superstar Eminem etched a significant moment in his life when his infamous daughter got married over the weekend.

Born Marshal Bruce Mathers III, Eminem, the most successful white rapper, rose to fame with music framed in teenage angst that featured heavily, his mother, and also daughter Hailie.

Although his mother suffered loads of verbal abuse in his widely popular songs, Hailie enjoyed the love of a parent who would fight to the end to protect her. Eminem would continue to project his bond with Hailie even into the concluding albums of his long running career while shielding her from the overwhelming limelight.

His only biological child, Hailie’s marriage is a deserving honour to one whose hardcore outbursts caused many to doubt his ability to raise the girl.

“If am a criminal, how could I raise a little girl? I couldn’t. I wouldn’t be fit to…,” Eminem had said in his widely acclaimed 2002 song “sing for the moment”.

The internet could not help but quickly spread the news, highlighting a dance the beloved rapper shared with his daughter.

Eminem enjoys strong cult fellowship especially from white Americans who considered him a racial pride. Channeling his rough upbringing and frustrations through heavy rock and rap beats, Eminem has at least one case of teen suicide attributed to his music. His daughter’s maturity unto marriage should signal his quality as a father while impacting unto his fans the importance family.

Hailie’s marriage ironically comes at a time the rapper had announced an end to his four decade career which won him several awards including an Oscar.

“The  Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grace)”, Eminem’s final album was announced in April this year, and there is no doubt the world renowned lyricist would have a word or two on peacefully retiring now that Hailie is taken.

Source: Gh Tribune
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