Vice President commissions hostel facility for head porters

Vice President Alhaji Mahamadu Bawumia has commissioned a brand new hostel facility for head porters, the first of its kind in the country

Head porters (Kayayei), mostly young girls that migrated from the northern parts of the country, often sleep rough around market major markets, and the Vice president made it a campaign a campaign promise to conduce living comfort of living and access to education and skills under a Kayayei Empowerment Program.

The Vice President says he hopes to support 100,000 such girls through the initiative.

In a social media post after the commissioning of the first two of the hostels located n Madina and Ashaiman in the Greater Accra Region, he spoke of the impact of the initiative.

“With the government adding a training a programme to the residential facility, we have moved beyond the promise of addressing their (head porters) pressing needs, to also offering them transitional job pathways, to enhance their socio-economic status”.

Two other hostels are under construction in Techiman and Kumasi, and stakeholders hope the initiative would help address migration trends.

Source: Gh Tribune
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