Organised Labour calls off strike over sale of SSNIT hotels

Organised Labour has called off the indefinite strike of Public Sector Workers declared last Friday to protest the sale SSNIT 60 per cent stake in four hotels.

Announcing the end of the strike, the Secretary- General of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), Dr Yaw Baah, said organised labour received a letter from SSNIT on the same day the strike was declared, terminating the sale of the hotels by SSNIT.

However, Dr Baah said Organised Labour had given SSNIT one month to address all challenges relating to pensions.

SSNIT last Friday announced the termination of the process to sell 60 per cent of its stake in four hotels, just hours after the prospective investor, Rock City Hotel, officially withdrew its proposal to buy a stake in the four hotels.

The industrial action received support from affiliate labour unions, each of them issuing statements directing their members to strictly adhere to the strike.

They included the Judicial Service Staff Association of Ghana (JUSAG), the Ghana Medical Association (GMA), the Ghana Private Road Transport Union of TUC Ghana (GPRTU), and the various teacher unions, including the Ghana National Association of Teachers, the National Association of Graduate Teachers and the Teachers and Educational Workers Union (TEWU).

The University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) moved a step further with a call for the dissolution of the SSNIT Board and resignation of top management of the pension fund manager.

Source: Graphic Online
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