Galamsey: Organised labour declares strike Oct. 10 after expiration of gov’t ultimatum

A majority of Ghanaian workers may not show up for work starting October 10, 2024, as the Trades Union Congress (TUC) has declared a nationwide strike.

The group explains that its decision is driven by the government's failure to meet its ultimatum to halt all forms of mining in forest reserves across the country.

A few days ago, the TUC presented three key demands, including the immediate evacuation of all mining equipment from forest reserves and areas around water bodies.

They also called for the deployment of the Police and Military with full orders to remove or destroy all mining and earth-moving equipment near river bodies and within forest reserves.

The group’s concern arises from widespread public outrage following the latest series of JoyNews hotline documentaries, which depicted the severely polluted state of river bodies due to illegal mining activities.

After a week, organized labor claims the government has failed to take action.

The Secretary General of the group, Joshua Ansah, stated that the unions are resolute in their decision to withdraw their services, effective October 10, 2024.

Source: Myjoyonline
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